(A)   Issuance by Public Works Director. The Public Works Director may, upon application in writing and for good cause shown, issue a special permit, in writing, authorizing the applicant to move a vehicle or combination of vehicles of a size or weight of vehicle or load exceeding the maximum allowed by this chapter.
   (B)   Required information. The application for any such permit must specifically describe the vehicle or combination of vehicles and loads to be moved and the particular streets for which the use is requested, and the period of time for which the permit is requested.
   (C)   Conditions for permits. The Public Works Director is authorized to issue or withhold the permit at the Public Works Director’s discretion. If a permit is issued, the Public Works Director may limit or prescribe conditions of operation of the vehicle or vehicles when necessary to prevent undue damage to the roadway foundations, surfaces, or structures. The Public Works Director may require any undertaking or other security as may be deemed necessary to compensate for any injury or damage to any roadway or road structure. The Public Works Director also may require that the operator or owner of the vehicle or vehicles have in effect, with respect to the operation of the vehicle or vehicles, a policy of liability insurance or bond affording coverage with respect to injury to persons and damage to property.
   (D)   Display and inspection of permit. The permit must be carried in the vehicle to which it refers and must be open to inspection by any police officer or authorized agent of the city.
(Prior Code, § 73.05)