(A)   Rights-of-way. No person may drive upon or across, stop, leave standing, or park a vehicle, whether attended or unattended, upon any boulevard or other portion of a public right-of-way abutting the traveled portion of a roadway. This prohibition will not apply to driveways which give access from a roadway. In the event of an emergency resulting from vehicle failure in an area where the parking is prohibited, the vehicle operator must attempt where practical to move the vehicle off the traveled portion of the roadway. A clear and unobstructed width of at least 15 feet of the traveled part of the roadway opposite the standing vehicle must be left for the free passage of other vehicles.
   (B)   Obstruction of mailboxes. No person may park a vehicle so as to obstruct a mailbox.
   (C)   Order to proceed. No person may stop or park a vehicle on a roadway when directed or ordered to proceed by a police officer.
   (D)   Signs and posting. No person may stop or park a vehicle at any place where official signs prohibit the stopping or parking. When a roadway is temporarily posted by order of the police for the purpose of traffic control, removal of snow, ice, or waste, maintenance, or improvement or otherwise, evidence of the posting constitutes prima facie evidence of the order of the police and notice of same.
(Prior Code, § 72.01) Penalty, see § 10.99