(A)   The County Dog Warden or other employees of the County Fiscal Court whose designated work station is the County Animal Shelter and all law enforcement personnel having jurisdiction within the county shall have the power and authority to enter upon the premises of any person licensed to operate a kennel pursuant to this subchapter for purposes of inspecting the kennel and all pens located on the premises. The application for a kennel license pursuant to this subchapter shall be an explicit grant of authority for the limited entry for kennel inspections.
   (B)   Prior to the operation of a kennel pursuant to this subchapter, the owner or operator of said kennel shall apply for a license and allow an inspection by one of the persons specified in division (A) above.
   (C)   The persons specified in division (A) above shall have the power to require modifications to the pens to meet the minimum standards required hereunder.
   (D)   No dogs shall occupy any pen prior to the approval of one of the officials designated in division (A) above, and no conditional approval may be granted by any of the officials specified herein.
   (E)   There shall be a fee of $250 per year for any kennel license issued pursuant to this subchapter, which shall be paid to the County Fiscal Court. In addition, any kennel which does not pass inspection shall be assessed a $50 fee for each and every follow up inspection which is necessary to confirm that the required modifications have been made to the pens.
   (F)   All licenses issued pursuant to this subchapter shall have a fee of $25 for individual dogs, except a license for any dog declared vicious shall have a fee of $100. All licenses shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance.
   (G)   Any pen erected or installed pursuant to § 90.23(C) shall be subject to the inspection provisions for a pen installed pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter.
(County Ord. 2.23.16 #2, passed 2-23-2016)