§ 152.307  ENFORCEMENT.
   The procedures related to enforcing an approved certificate of appropriateness, of complying with additional local regulations, and the penalties for violating this subchapter are detailed as follows.
   (A)   Approved certificate of appropriateness. Upon receipt of the signed approved certificate of appropriateness, the Zoning Enforcement Officer shall issue the requested permit in accordance with the certificate, provided that it meets all other requirements of the law. The Zoning Enforcement Officer shall enforce all provisions of the certificate and any conditions thereof and shall inspect the property at regular intervals to ensure strict compliance.
   (B)   Compliance with other codes, statutes, and regulations. In order to prevent purposeful neglect of structures within the H-1 zone, all properties shall comply with all local building, property maintenance, nuisance, and other applicable codes, statutes, and regulations.
(Prior Code, § 152.297)  (Ord. 920.27, passed 10-7-1993)