§ 152.305  REVIEW OF PLANS.
   The Architectural Review Board shall review pertinent permit applications by complying with the following procedures.
   (A)   Required information for review. All plans, elevations, and other information necessary to determine the appropriateness of the features to be acted upon, together with a copy of the application for the building, alteration, or demolition permits, shall be made available to the Board through the offices of the Zoning Enforcement Officer. The Board shall require the submission of any or all of the following items relevant to the proposed project application: architectural plans, landscaping plans, plans for off-street parking, plans for proposed signs, elevations of all proposed structures or proposed additions to structures, photographs, elevations, perspective drawings showing the proposed structure(s), and all existing structures that are located within 100 feet or are substantially related to it visually or by reason of function, traffic generation, or other characteristics. The application shall not be considered complete until such time that the requested information is received and deemed adequate by the ARB or the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
   (B)   Allowable criteria for review. In its review of the material submitted for the application, the ARB  shall consider, among other things, the general architectural design and exterior surface treatment, including arrangement, texture, material, and color of the building or structure in question and the relation of such factors to similar features of buildings or structures in the immediate area of the building or structure in question. The Board shall not consider detailed design, interior arrangement, or building features not in public view; nor shall it make requirements except for the purpose of preventing development obviously incongruous to the old historic aspects of the surroundings. Existing non- conforming structures or facades cannot be used to undermine the historic intent of this chapter or to establish a point of reference for lesser inappropriate standards.
   (C)   Review time frame. The Board shall vote to approve all or part of an application or disapprove the application within 60 days after the application, which is filed with the Zoning Enforcement Officer, is deemed complete.
(Prior Code, § 152.295)  (Ord. 920.27, passed 10-7-1993)