§ 152.282  AUTHORITY.
   (A)   The Board of Adjustment may employ or contract with planners or other persons as it deems necessary to accomplish its assigned duties.
   (B)   The Board shall have the right to receive, hold, and spend funds which it may legally receive from any and every source in and out of the state, including the United States government, for the purpose of carrying out its duties.
   (C)   The Board shall have the power to issue subpoenas to compel witnesses to attend its meetings and give evidence bearing upon the questions before it. The Chief of Police and/or Sheriff shall serve the subpoenas. The Circuit Court may, upon application by the Board, compel obedience to the court or subpoena by proceedings of contempt.
   (D)   The Chairperson of the Board, or in his or her absence, the Acting Chairperson, shall have the power to administer an oath to witnesses prior to their testifying before the Board on any issue.
(Prior Code, § 152.272)  (Ord. 920.27, passed 10-7-1993)