(A)   Provisions of this chapter shall be enforced by an Administrative/Enforcement Officer who may be designated as provided in § 152.002 to administer the chapter. The Administrative/Enforcement Officer may request and shall receive, so far as may be necessary in the discharge of his or her duties, the assistance and cooperation of the Chief of Police and/or County Sheriff’s Office in enforcing orders of the City Attorney and/or County Attorney in prosecuting violations, and of other officials.
   (B)   The Administrative/Enforcement Officer shall be authorized to issue building permits and/or certificates of occupancy in accordance with the literal terms of this chapter, but may not have the power to permit any construction, or to permit any use or any change of use which does not conform to the literal terms of this chapter.
   (C)   The Administrative/Enforcement Officer shall keep accurate records in a permanent file for the issuance of building permits, certificates of occupancy, inspections, violations, stop orders, condemnations, and other permits and actions as required. If the Administrative/Enforcement Officer finds any provisions of this chapter being violated, the person or persons responsible for the violation shall be notified by the Administrative/Enforcement Officer through registered mail. The notification shall order the discontinuation of any illegal use of land, buildings, and/or structures.
   (D)   Any permit or certificate of occupancy issued in conflict with the provisions of this chapter shall be null and void.
   (E)   The Administrative/Enforcement Officer shall be required to inform and/or report his or her actions to the Planning Commission. The report shall be in writing and issued to the Planning Commission on or before each monthly meeting.
(Prior Code, § 152.255)  (Ord. 920.27, passed 10-7-1993)