The Light Industrial District is primarily intended for production and assembly plants and industrial operations or services that are conducted in such a manner that noise, odor, dust, glare, and vibration produced is essentially contained within the premises.
   (A)   Permitted uses. Permitted uses include:
      (1)   Any use permitted in the Central Business District; and
      (2)   Wholesale; storage; warehouse; animal hospital; bottling works; cabinet making; carpenter’s shop; clothing manufacture; dairy; dyeing and dry-cleaning works; fruit canning or packing; laundry; milk distribution station; optical goods; paper boxes; pencils; printing; publication or engraving; trucking terminals; manufacturing which may include bakery goods, candy, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, toiletries, and food products (except meat products); pottery, using previously pulverized clay, and kilns fired only with gas or electricity; musical instruments, toys, novelties, rubber products; electric and neon signs, and other commercial advertising structures per §§ 152.210-152.228 ; light sheet metal products including beating and ventilating equipment; experimental firms or testing laboratories, provided no operation shall be conducted or equipment used which would create hazards and noxious or offensive conditions; metal working shops, machine shops, railway or locomotive shops, boiler shops; emery cloth or dyestuff manufacture; flax, flour, or grain mills; forge for foundry works; lime or lime products, linoleum, oil cloth or oiled goods manufacturing; sand blasting or cutting, sawmill, sewage disposal plant; shoe blacking, soap, stone or monument works employing power-driven tools; wire or rod drawing-nut, screw, or bolt manufacturing; any other use decided upon by the Planning Commission which falls in the same category. Other industrial uses not listed above shall be considered conditional uses and will require written approval of the Board of Adjustment.
   (B)   Conditional uses. The following uses are special exceptions and require written approval of the Board of Adjustment. The Board may attach certain conditions to its approval which it feels are necessary to preserve and protect the character of the district in which the proposed use could locate.
      (1)   Provided no part of a building occupied by such uses shall have any opening other than stationary windows or required fire exits within 100 feet of any Residential District: adhesive manufacture, not including the refining or recovery of products from refuse; foundry, casting light weights non-ferrous metals, or electric foundry not causing noxious fumes or odors; ice manufacturing and cold storage plant; building material sales yards, lumber yards, including millwork, open yards for storage, and sales of feed and/or fuel; and
      (2)   Any industrial, manufacturing, fabrication, processing, or industrial service use which the Board of Adjustment determines would not emit obnoxious noise, odor, smoke, dust, or vibration beyond the confines of its property may be conditionally permitted.
   (C)   Accessory uses. Any accessory use or building customarily incidental to the above permitted and conditional uses.
   (D)   Prohibited uses. Prohibited uses include dwelling and residence of any kind, including motels; also schools, hospitals, clinics, or nursing homes, and other institutions for human care, except where incidental to a permitted principal use; provided, that any of the aforesaid uses legally existing in the Industrial District at the time of the adoption of this chapter, or any amendment thereto, shall not be defined as a non-conforming use as defined in KRS 100.253.
   (E)   Special uses. A planned unit development for light industries shall be permitted as a special use in conformance with §§ 152.235 through 152.239.
   (F)   Required conditions.
      (1)   Yards. On lots adjacent to a Residential District, all buildings shall be located so as to provide a minimum yard of 100 feet.
      (2)   Loading docks. No loading dock shall be constructed fronting on any public street or roadway.
      (3)   Storage facilities. No materials or supplies shall be stored or permitted to remain on any part of the property outside the buildings constructed thereon without proper screening and adequate distances from adjoining properties.
      (4)   Waste disposal. No waste material or refuse shall be dumped upon or permitted to remain upon any part of an industrial property outside of buildings constructed thereon. In addition, the property shall not be used by an industry whose primary business requires industrial sewerage, unless the governing municipal body authorizes the use of its sewage disposal facilities or the industry constructs its own sewage disposal plant.
   (G)   Development standards.
Maximum building height
36 feet or 3 stories
Minimum front yard
25 feet, or one-half of the street right-of-way, whichever is greater
Minimum lot area
Minimum lot frontage
100 feet
Minimum rear yard
30 feet, plus 5 feet for each additional story
Minimum side yard
25 feet minimum - 100 feet if adjacent to Residential District
As set forth in §§ 152.190-152.196
As set forth in §§ 152.140-152.156
As set forth in §§ 152.210-152.228
(Prior Code, § 152.090)  (Ord. 920.27, passed 10-7-1993)  Penalty, see § 152.999