The following business activities are specifically, but not exclusively, subject to the license fee provided in this chapter.
   (A)   Trusts. Whenever a trust estate is engaged in enterprise, activity, or business which is productive of income, the activity or business shall be considered subject to the license fee.
   (B)   Trading and securities. Where a person engages in buying and selling of stocks, bonds, or other types of securities and such transactions are not isolated and few, but are extended so as to constitute an activity, the net profits therefrom are subject to the license fee.
   (C)   Fiduciary. Monies received by a fiduciary is subject income, where a fiduciary is regularly engaged in a business or profession as a fiduciary or is engaged in a business or profession commonly regarded as being incidental or collateral thereto, for example, an attorney-at-law, real estate agent, and the like, or if such commissions or fees represent a substantial portion of the earnings or income of the fiduciary, or when the administration of the trust requires a substantial portion of the fiduciary’s available working time.
   (D)   Independent contractor. An independent contractor is a person, who, while performing services for another, is not under the direction and control of such other person as to the result to be accomplished by the work as to the details and means by which that result is accomplished, such as authors, professional people, seamstresses, laundresses, tailors, and registered nurses. The income received by such people is subject to this license fee.
(Prior Code, § 110.16)  (Ord. 220.23C, passed 6-11-2020)