§ 95.99  PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provisions of this chapter for which no other penalty is provided shall be subject to the provisions of § 10.99.
   (B)   Any individual found on the park property during hours of non-operation shall be found to be in violation of §§ 95.01 to 95.03 and guilty of the following:
      (1)   Criminal trespass in the third degree: KRS 511.080 and subject to a fine of $250; or
      (2)   Criminal trespass in the second degree: KRS 511.070 and subject to a fine of $250 and/or subject to not more than 90 days imprisonment.
   (C)   Any violation of § 95.17 is punishable as criminal trespass in the second degree.
(Prior Code, § 95.99)  (Ord. 620.5, passed 6-3-1993; Ord. 2015-12, passed 12-3-2015; Ord. passed 5-5-2016)