(A)   Meetings.
      (1)   Each committee shall adopt a regular meeting schedule which will be approved by the Town Council at its annual organizational meeting. Special meetings may be called as needed by the Chairman or any two members of the committee.
      (2)   All meetings shall be open to the public. The order of business at regular meetings shall generally be as follows:
         (a)   Call to order;
         (b)   Approval of minutes;
         (c)   Action items;
         (d)   Discussion items;
         (e)   Adjournment.
   (B)   Agendas. Items of business for discussion at the meeting shall appear on the agenda. Business which is not identified on the agenda may be considered only after approval of a majority of a vote of the membership. Additions to the agenda at the meeting should be made only in time sensitive situations to allow the public to participate as fully as possible in meetings.
   (C)   Public body requirements. These committees are considered a public body and shall be governed by all rules and regulations for public bodies contained in North Carolina's Open Meetings regulation (G.S. § 143-318.10 et seq.). Meetings shall proceed by agenda and follow the rules of procedure as adopted by Town Council.
   (D)   Quorum. A quorum, a majority of members of the committee, shall be required before any vote is taken. Whenever a quorum is not present, at a regular or special meeting, those present may adjourn the meeting to another day or hold the meetings for the purpose of considering such matters as are on the agenda.
   (E)   Voting. No action taken at a meeting shall be final or official unless and until the matter is put before the committee by a proper motion and a vote is taken thereon at a meeting where a quorum of the committee is present. Voting, at the discretion of the Chairman, shall be by voice or show of hands. All matters to be voted on by the Committee shall be by a duly made motion and second.
(Ord. passed 11-13-2017)