The following signs are unauthorized signs and are prohibited by this subchapter.
   (A)   Any sign, signal, marking, or device which purports to be, or is, an imitation of or resembles any official traffic control device, railroad sign or signal, or emergency vehicle signal.
   (B)   Signs in public rights-of-way. Signs erected or temporarily placed within any street right-of-way, upon public lands or easements, or other public right-of-ways, except as this subchapter specifically provides, or as subject to a license or franchise of the city. The city may allow signs or decorations on, over, or within the right-of-way for a specified period of time, in its discretion.
   (C)   Signs obstructing ingress or egress. A sign or sign structure erected or maintained that prevents free ingress or egress from any door, window, fire escape, stairway, or other opening.
   (D)   Fire escapes. A sign or sign structure attached to a standpipe or fire escape.
   (E)   Abandoned signs. Such signs shall be removed within 30 days after written notice from the city.
   (F)   Traffic obstruction. Any sign that obstructs the vision of drivers or pedestrians, or detracts from the visibility of any official traffic control device.
   (G)   Flashing and moving signs. Except where specifically permitted, any sign displaying any moving parts, rotating, illuminated with any flashing or intermittent lights, or any animated sign. Clocks and barber poles are exempt from this provision.
   (H)   Temporary or portable signs, except as permitted by a temporary sign permit.
   (I)   Signs on rocks, trees, fences, or public structures. Signs painted, attached, or in any other manner affixed to trees, rocks, or similar natural surfaces, or on street/traffic signs, utility poles, bridges, towers, or similar public structures.
   (J)   Bench signs or signs affixed to amenities such as trash receptacles and the like, located in the public right-of-way, unless approved by the city.
   (K)   Illuminated signs in which light is directed onto adjacent property or public streets. Search lights and beacons, and all methods of attracting attention by directing light radiation away from a sign surface, are also prohibited, except where specifically permitted.
   (L)   Any sign which becomes structurally unsafe or endangers the safety of a building or premises or endangers the public safety, must be taken down and removed by the owner, agent, or person having the beneficial use of the building, structure, or land upon which the sign is located.
   (M)   Signs located in such a manner as to obstruct or otherwise interfere with an official traffic sign, signal, or device, or obstruct or interfere with a driver's view of approaching, merging, or intersecting traffic.
   (N)   Except as provided for elsewhere in this subchapter, private signs encroaching upon or overhanging public right-of-way. No sign shall be attached to any utility pole, light standard, street tree, or any other public facility located within the public right-of-way.
   (O)   Signs that blink, flash, or are animated by lighting in any fashion that would cause such signs to have the appearance of traffic safety signs and lights, or municipal vehicle warnings visible from the roadway.
   (P)   Portable signs except as allowed for temporary signs.
   (Q)   Inflatable or flying devices such as, but not limited to, balloons, streamers, or pinwheels, except those that are permitted temporary signs.
   (R)   Signs that are structurally unsafe or in disrepair or which create a hazard by their condition, location, or lighting.
   (S)   Permanent signs or placards of any size attached or added to any sign beyond that included in the application and permit.
   (T)   Animated signs as defined in this subchapter, except flashing signs primarily giving time, date, temperature, weather conditions, or similar public information.
   (U)   Roof signs extending above the peak of the roof.
   (V)   Exterior neon signs.
   (W)   A sign that violates any provision of any law of the state.
   (X)   Audio components are prohibited on any sign, with the exception of those utilized for the visually impaired and for 2-way communication.
   (Y)   Any form of pyrotechnics is prohibited.
   (Z)   Any sign which is obscene, as defined by M.S. § 617.241, Subd. 1(a) shall be considered a public nuisance and is prohibited.
   (AA)   Any sign which emits an audible sound, odor, or visible matter shall be considered a public nuisance and is prohibited.
   (BB)   Any sign that is torn, tattered, or faded, including temporary signs.
(Ord. 2018-10-3, passed 10-9-2018)