(A)   Setback for roadside establishments. All roadside service and business establishments shall be setback at least 60 feet from the right-of-way line of any state highway and at least 60 feet from the right-of-way line of any county or county-state aid highway and 40 feet from any township highway (except as permitted by other sections of this chapter.)
   (B)   Screening for dumps and junk yards. Existing and new dumps and junk yards shall be adequately screened by fencing or appropriate landscaping when visible from any county or state highways.
   (C)   Signs in public right-of-way. Only signs authorized by the state, county, and city and used for official service shall be allowed within the public right-of-way.
   (D)   Signs along highways. Along all highways, no advertising or business signs shall be erected which block safe driving vision, official signs, and safety signals; nor shall these signs have flashing lights or moving parts which may cause highway traffic hazards and shall conform to state law.
(Prior Code, § 904.06)