(A) Requirements specified by district. Yard requirements shall be set forth under each zoning district. Front, side and rear yards shall be provided in accordance with the regulations hereafter indicated and shall be unobstructed from the ground level to the sky.
(B) Yard allocated to only one building. No required yard or other open space allocated to a building or dwelling group shall be used to satisfy yard, other open space, or minimum lot area requirements for any other building.
(C) Corner lots. On a corner lot, nothing shall be placed or allowed to grow in such a manner as materially to impede vision between a height of 2-1/2 and 10 feet above street level for a distance of 30 feet from intersecting streets.
(D) Through lots. Through lots in any district shall have a required front yard on each street.
(E) Conforming with neighboring setbacks. In any district where the average depth of at least 2 existing front yards for buildings on lots within 150 feet of the lot in question and within the same block front is less or greater than the minimum front yard depth required for the district, the required front yard shall not be less than the average depth of such existing front yards; however, the depth of a front yard in any “R” District shall not be less than 20 feet from the right-of-way line of minor streets and 100 feet from the centerline of major thoroughfares.
(F) Forty percent landscape requirement. In no event shall off-street parking space, structures of any type, buildings, or other features cover more than 60% of the lot area resulting in less than 40% landscaped in residential districts.
(G) Exceptions to rear yard requirements. The following shall not be considered to be encroachments on rear yard requirements: accessory structures which are at least 10 feet from the rear lot line, recreational equipment, laundry drying equipment, picnic tables, open arbors and trellises, balconies, breezeways, porches, detached outdoor living rooms, and outdoor eating facilities which are not less than 2 feet from any lot line.
(H) General exceptions to yard requirements. The following shall not be considered to be encroachments on yard requirements:
(1) Chimneys, flues, belt courses, leaders, sills, pilasters, lintels, ornamental features, mechanical devices, cornices, eaves, gutters and the like, provided they do not extend more than 2-1/2 feet;
(2) Fences which do not exceed 4 feet in height or as required elsewhere in this chapter and terraces, steps, uncovered porches, stoops or similar structures, which do not extend above the height of the ground floor level of the principal building or to a distance of less than 2 feet from any lot line;
(3) Off-street parking spaces except as hereinafter regulated.
(I) Party walls. Buildings may be excluded from side yard requirements if party walls are utilized or if the adjacent buildings are planned to be constructed as an integral structure and a condition use permit is secured.
(Prior Code, § 902.07)