For violation of any of the foregoing rules or for the nonpayment of water bills, the city reserves the right to turn off the water without notice and to forfeit any payments made, and after the water has been turned off from any service pipe on account of nonpayment of water bills, or violation of rules, the same will not be turned on until all delinquent bills and penalties are paid, together with expense of turning off and on such water, which will be fifty dollars ($50.00) if service is reinstated during regular working hours on Monday through Friday between seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and three thirty o'clock (3:30) P.M. or one hundred dollars ($100.00) if service is reinstated outside of regular billing hours, on a weekend or on a holiday, and no water will be furnished to any person who is indebted to the city on account of water consumed, material or repairs. (Ord. 1395, 10-27-2008)