There is hereby created the position of police lieutenant and police sergeant in the city. The police lieutenants and police sergeants shall be appointed based upon competitive examination from the next lowest rank by the board of fire and police commissioners subject to the approval of the mayor and city council for the funding of these supervisory positions. Lieutenants and sergeants shall be responsible for handling clerical and administrative duties assigned to them by the chief of police along with all other duties assigned to them by the chief of police. The rank of lieutenant shall be superior to the rank of sergeant. At all other times, the lieutenants and the sergeants shall render the same services as those performed by other members of the police department.
The chief of police shall be granted authority to designate one rank and file police officer as an investigator. The designation of a police officer as an investigator shall not be deemed a promotion nor shall it be deemed to give the investigator supervisory authority over other rank and file members of the department. The investigator shall be responsible for handling investigations assigned to him by the chief of police along with all other duties assigned to the investigator by the chief of police. At all other times, the investigator shall render the same services as those performed by other members of the department. (Ord. 1178, 9-6-2005)