It shall be unlawful for the owner of real estate or any owner or operator of a building to fail, refuse or neglect to maintain such real estate or building in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
   (A)   General Maintenance Standards:
      1.   All buildings and real estate shall be maintained in good repair and each part of a building shall perform the function for which such part was designed or intended to be used.
      2.   Facilities, utilities and equipment, including, but not limited to, chimneys and heating and ventilating equipment and facilities, which are part of or used in or on a building and the real estate on which such building is located shall be maintained in good repair and working order so that they function safely and effectively without threat to health and safety. (Ord. 948, 11-1-1999)
      3.   There is hereby adopted by the city of Spring Valley for the purpose of establishing for the maintenance of buildings and structures that certain maintenance code recommended by the building officials and code administrators being particularly the international property maintenance code, latest edition, including any amendments, deletions or additions thereto incorporated into said international property maintenance code after the passage of the ordinance codified herein or any revisions or subsequent modifications thereof made after the passage of the ordinance codified herein. If the international property maintenance code allows for more than one option for construction or design, the most restrictive option shall apply, unless permission to deviate from the most restrictive option is granted to the applicant by the Spring Valley city council, after review and recommendation by the Spring Valley city engineer or the Spring Valley fire chief, as appropriate. (Ord. 1408, 2-2-2009)
   (B)   Specific Maintenance Standards:
      1.   Foundations, Exterior Walls And Roofs: Every foundation, exterior wall and roof of every building shall be substantially weathertight, watertight, and rodentproof; shall be kept in sound condition and good repair; shall be kept free of holes or breaks, and of loose or rotting boards, timbers, bricks, stones and other structural material; and shall be safe to use and capable of supporting the load which normal use may cause to be placed thereon.
      2.   Exterior Surfaces: All exterior surfaces of any building shall be reasonably capable of withstanding the effects of the elements and decay. Any exterior surface which is deteriorated, decaying, disintegrating or which has lost its capability to reasonably withstand the effects of the elements shall be repaired.
      3.   Windows And Exterior Doors: Every window, exterior door, basement or cellar door and hatchway shall be generally weathertight and rodentproof; shall be equipped with all appropriate hardware; shall be capable of being easily opened unless designed to be fixed; and all windows, exterior doors and screens shall be kept in good repair.
      4.   Stairways And Porches: Every inside and outside stairway and porch and every appurtenance thereto shall be maintained in good state or repair and free from rotting, loose or deteriorating supports, rails, floors and stairs so as to be safe to use and capable of supporting the loads that normal use may cause to be placed thereon.
      5.   Accessory Structures: All garages, toolsheds and all other accessory structures shall be kept in good repair so as not to be unsafe or a harborage for rats and other rodents. Fences and roadside mailboxes shall be maintained in good repair, solid and in the same condition required for other exterior surfaces. If attached to the exterior of a building, a television antenna shall be firmly and securely fastened to the building and shall be maintained in good repair. No television antenna shall be attached to any tree located on public property.
      6.   Insects And Rodents: It shall be unlawful for any person to permit the accumulation of any lumber, boxes, barrels, logs, concrete, stone or similar materials on any property within the city in such a way that may be harborage for any rats. In the case of logs or wood, including logs or wood stored for fireplace or stove use, the same shall not be placed closer than two feet (2') from any property line, or be placed on the property so as to encroach on any easement or impair, stop or disrupt any drainage swale. All lumber, boxes, concrete, stone or similar materials shall only be stored in a rear yard and said storage area shall constitute no more than five percent (5%) of the required rear yard, be piled no higher than four feet (4') in height, and be out of view from the street.
      7.   Vegetation: No real estate within the city shall have uncontrolled growths of vegetation in violation of title 7, chapter 7 of this code. No dead trees shall be allowed to remain on real estate within the city for more than three (3) months.
      8.   Driveways And Walkways: Cement or asphalt driveways and parking areas shall be maintained free of loose or broken material, cracks which are safety hazards, and such driveways and parking areas shall be repaired as necessary to avoid safety hazards. Stone driveways and parking areas shall be repaired as necessary to avoid safety hazards. Stone driveways, walkways and parking areas shall be maintained in forms designed to prevent the spread of gravel to public ways, easements and adjoining private property.
      9.   Gutters, Downspout And Sump Pumps: All gutters and downspouts shall be maintained free of debris which might prevent their proper functioning and shall not be allowed to discharge in a manner which might create unnecessary erosion. All gutters and downspouts shall be securely fastened to the building which they serve.
      10.   Ratproofing: Every building and the property on which such buildings are located shall be maintained in a rat free and ratproof condition.
      11.   Plumbing: Every plumbing fixture and all water and waste pipes shall be properly installed and maintained in good and sanitary working condition.
      12.   Ingress And Egress: The means to ingress to and egress from any building including, but not limited to, hallways, corridors, stairs and porches, shall be maintained in good repair and free from any obstructions.
      13.   Protective Railings: Any handrails, guardrails or other types of protective railings required to be constructed or installed under any provision of this code or which have otherwise been constructed and installed shall be maintained in good repair. (Ord. 823, 8-1-1994)
      14.   Storage Of Motor Vehicles: (Rep. by Ord. 1464, 6-7-2010)
      15.   Garbage And Debris Accumulation Prohibited: Accumulation of garbage and debris which violates any provisions of this code is prohibited. (Ord. 823, 8-1-1994)