There is hereby adopted by the City of Spring Valley for the purposes of establishing rules and regulations for control of fixtures, materials, design and installation of plumbing systems, including permits and penalties, that certain Plumbing Code known as the Illinois Plumbing Code, latest edition, including any amendments, deletions or additions thereto incorporated into the Illinois Plumbing Code after the passage of the ordinance codified herein or any revisions or subsequent modifications thereof made after the passage of the ordinance codified herein. If the Illinois Plumbing Code allows for more than one option for construction or design, the most restrictive option shall apply, unless permission to deviate from the most restrictive option is granted to the applicant by the Spring Valley City Council, after review and recommendation by the Spring Valley City Engineer, Spring Valley Building Inspector or the Spring Valley Fire Chief, as appropriate. (Ord. 1408, 2-2-2009)