There is hereby adopted by the city of Spring Valley for the purpose of safeguarding of persons and of buildings and their contents from hazards arising from the use of electricity for light, heat, power, radio, signaling and for other purposes, including permits and penalties, that certain electrical code recommended by the National Fire Protection Association, being particularly the NFPA, national electrical code, latest edition, including any amendments, deletions or additions thereto incorporated into said NFPA, national electrical code, after the passage of the ordinance codified herein or any revisions or subsequent modifications thereof made after the passage of the ordinance codified herein. If the NFPA, national electrical code, allows for more than one option for construction or design, the most restrictive option shall apply, unless permission to deviate from the most restrictive option is granted to the applicant by the Spring Valley city council, after review and recommendation by the Spring Valley city engineer, the Spring Valley building inspector or the Spring Valley fire chief, as appropriate.
Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary contained in the NFPA, national electrical code, it shall be unlawful to use PVC (plastic conduit) for service entrance installations running from the outside power meter to the main electrical disconnect located within the building for the supply of electrical power to any structure within the corporate limits of the city. The use of PVC (plastic conduit) for conduit installed throughout the structure from the main electrical disconnect to the various power outlets shall be as provided for in the NFPA, national electrical code, latest edition. (Ord. 1408, 2-2-2009)
It shall be unlawful to use aluminum conductors for any branch or feeder circuits on the load side of the main switchgear or on the load side of the main panel board or distribution box. (Ord. 1440, 11-23-2009)