No service sewer trench shall be filled or sewer pipe covered until the service sewer has been first inspected by the Utilities Superintendent of the city, and all persons making service sewer connections shall give at least five hours notice to the Utilities Superintendent of the time when such service sewer will be ready for inspection, and it shall be the duty of the Utilities Superintendent, within a reasonable time after such notice, to inspect such service sewer and, if in his or her judgment, such service sewer is properly connected and laid with the proper grade he or she shall give permission for the filling of the trench, and if he or she finds such service sewer defectively or improperly laid and connected, he or she shall order the same taken out and re-laid in accordance with his or her directions, and when said service sewer is completed and approved of by the Utilities Superintendent, he or she shall give written permission to the person or owner in charge of the property served by said service sewer to turn water therein and to use the same, but no service sewer shall be used until such permission is first obtained from the Utilities Superintendent.
(Prior Code, § 5.0504)