Amendments to this Charter may be framed and proposed: (1) by ordinance of the Common Council containing the full text of the proposed amendment or (2) by voters of the city.
   Proposals for an amendment by the voters of the city shall be by petition containing the full text of the proposed amendment and shall be governed by the same procedures and requirements prescribed in this Charter for initiative petitions except that said petition shall be signed by ten percent of the qualified voters of the city; said percentage shall be based on the total number of votes cast for Governor at the most recent election. The election upon the proposed Charter amendment, regardless of method of proposal, shall be voted upon in the same manner provided by this Charter for initiative elections. If a majority of the qualified vote is in favor of it, the amendment shall be declared approved by the voters. All amendments to this Charter shall become effective at the first regular Common Council meeting following the annual municipal election unless otherwise provided therein. No Charter amendment that is rejected by a vote of the people may be referred again to a vote of the people until a period of one year has elapsed.