(A)   Commencement of proceedings. Whenever the Building Inspector has inspected any building, structure, or premises and determined that such building, structure, or premises is dangerous or hazardous, the Building Inspector shall commence proceedings to cause the repair, rehabilitation, vacation, removal, or demolition of the building, structure, or premises by making a recommendation to the Common Council for further action. The Common Council shall take official action on the recommendation at a formal meeting of the Council.
   (B)   Notice and order. The Building Inspector shall issue a notice and order directed to the person having record title, legal interest, or control of such building, structure, or premises. The notice shall contain:
      (1)   Address, description. The street address and/or legal description sufficient for identification of the premises upon which the building, structure, or premises is located;
      (2)   Statement of Building Inspector. A statement that the Common Council has determined the building, structure, or premises to be dangerous or hazardous, with a brief and concise description of the conditions(s) bound to render the building, structure, or premises dangerous under the provisions of this subchapter; and
      (3)   Statement of action required. A statement of action shall include:
         (a)   A statement reciting what repairs(s), vacation, demolition or removal, or other course of action, is required as under § 90.043;
         (b)   The time limitation(s) under which such action must be completed; and
         (c)   A statement advising that any person having any recorded title or legal interest in the building, structure, or premises may appeal from the notice order to said Common Council. The appeal must be in writing as provided in this subchapter, and filed with the Municipal Finance Officer within ten days from the date of service of such notice and order. In addition, the notice must advise or inform that failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all rights to a hearing on the matter.
(Prior Code, § 4.0703) (Ord. 411, passed 9-2-1992)