§ 515 SD Scenic Overlay District Provisions.
   1.   U. The purpose of the SD Scenic Overlay District is to encourage use of the land which will be compatible with the rural character of the Township, and which will protect the following scenic values: (A) the scenic character of the Township, (B) the entrances to historic villages of the Township, (C) scenic vistas from roadways, and (D) to encourage orderly development which is sensitive to the landscape.
   2.   Overlay Concept.
      A.   The SD Scenic Overlay District is an overlay district. It does not change the underlying density, use, or area and dimensional requirements nor is it intended to reduce the development opportunities that would otherwise be permitted by this Ordinance. These procedures do not apply to the following uses:
         (1)   A-1 Agriculture.
         (2)   B-11a Single-Family Detached Dwelling (< five lots).
         (3)   B-13 Subdivision Creating Large Lots.
      B.   The special review procedures set forth herein apply to those properties that lie in whole or in part within the Scenic Overlay District. The Scenic Overlay District is defined as including all properties that are adjacent to the scenic district roadways as shown on the Zoning Map (Appendix C) and all properties that can be seen from scenic district roadways as identified through the Site Analysis and Resource Conservation Plan required by the Springfield Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
   3.   Procedures.
      A.   Scenic Resource Mapping. Applications for development on properties that lie in the scenic district shall be accompanied by a map showing the following:
         (1)   Historic resources–historic sites, buildings and landmarks.
         (2)   Working farms.
         (3)   Location and types of vegetation, including hedgerows, stands of mature trees, meadows, cultivated fields.
         (4)   Scenic vistas from roadways of streams, valleys, fields, and hillsides.
      B.   Visual Analysis. Applications for development on properties that lie in the Scenic Overlay District shall be accompanied by an analysis and sketches of the existing views from major roads and an analysis and sketches of the views from major roads as they would appear after the proposed development is constructed.
   4.   Performance Standards.
      A.   New development shall be sited so as to minimize disturbance of scenic views of the landscape from a public road where possible. Use of exterior materials with an historic appearance and earth-tone colors is recommended.
      B.   Existing tree lines along a public road shall be preserved where possible, or replacement with new tree lines that serve a similar purpose.
      C.   Where historic sites or structures are visible from a public street, the views of these areas shall be preserved where possible.
      D.   Significant landscape forms, such as hedgerows, hillsides, and stream valleys should be integrated into the proposed development as buffers, lot lines, or focal points in the development.
      E.   Developments proposed for the areas along roads leading into the villages of Pleasant Valley, Springtown, Zion Hill, and Passer shall be designed with consideration given to the view of the village from the entrance road.
      F.   Where the preservation of scenic views may require a greater intrusion into areas of natural resource restrictions due to steep slopes and woodlands, the Board of Supervisors, upon favorable recommendation by the Township Planning Commission, may allow a reduction in the required protection ratio for steep slopes and woodlands in order to accommodate the protection of views.
      G.   No billboards are permitted along the public streets that define the Scenic Overlay District.
(Ord. passed 10-2-2007, § 514)