§ 503 Buffer Yards.
   1.   General Buffer Requirements.
      A.   Landscape buffers shall contain trees, evergreens, shrubs, groundcovers, berms, fences, or a combination of these features, placed along a street or property line for the purposes of separating one land use from another land use, or to shield or block lights, noise, or visual impacts, and to preserve the natural landscape of the Township.
      B.   No structures, buildings, uses, storage of materials, or parking shall be permitted in the buffer yards. Access driveways may cross buffer yards provided that they are perpendicular to the property line. Trails and sidewalks may be located at the edge of a required buffer, provided that the required planting is not diminished. Detention/retention basins and grading required for basin berms/slopes constructed as part of a stormwater management plan shall not be permitted in a required buffer yard.
      C.   Where vegetation exists that meet the objectives and planting standards of the buffer requirements, it shall be preserved and may be used to meet the buffer and planting requirements. Quantities, size, species, genus, and locations of existing materials must be shown on plans and verified by the Township. Where the Township allows existing vegetation to be counted toward meeting the buffer requirements of this Ordinance, the vegetation shall not be removed except for dead plants, or exotic invasive species, and noxious weeds as defined by Act 72 of 1994, as amended. Additional plantings shall be required if the existing vegetation is not adequate to meet the buffer standards for density, width, or size. The vegetation shall be protected by recorded plan note to insure that it remains as a part of the subdivision or land development.
      D.   The buffer yard may overlap the required front yards and in case of conflict, the larger dimensional requirement shall apply. Buffer areas shall be provided in addition to the required minimum side and rear yards if needed to provide a minimum depth of 25 feet, as measured from the principle structure, which is exclusive of the required buffer. Where buffers are required, they shall be provided along the entire length of the property line (except for Type 4 and Type 5 buffers). Any fencing shall be placed on the inside of required buffer plantings, unless approved in another location for a quarry. Planting designs that have a naturalistic appearance with a mix of species will give privacy but do not block views or vistas are recommended, as opposed to rigid rows of the same species.
      E.   All buffer yards shall be maintained and kept clean of all debris. Required buffer plantings shall not be removed as long as they are viable.
      F.   Buffers shall be required as specified in this Section where the uses to be buffered are directly abutting as well as where the uses are across a street from each other.
      G.   Minimum width buffer yards do not count as open space. However, required open space may be used to meet the requirements for buffers where the open space has a minimum contiguous area of 4 acres and a minimum width of 200 feet.
      H.   Easements shall be provided for all buffers; a buffer easement shall be shown on all plans. The easement shall require that the property owner be responsible for maintenance of the buffer area and all vegetation within the buffer easement.
      I.   If a buffer already exists on an adjacent property that meets the requirements of this Ordinance, additional buffering shall not be required when a new use is established. If the existing buffer is substandard, additional area and plantings shall be added to meet the ordinance requirements.
      J.   The screen planting shall be spaced so that at maturity it will not be closer than 3 feet from any right-of-way nor shall it encroach upon a required clear sight triangle.
   2.   Summary of Buffer Locations and Types.
Type of Buffer
Required Locations
Type of Buffer
Required Locations
Nonresidential/residential separation buffers
Single-family/multi-family separation buffers
Reverse frontage buffers
Farmland preservation buffer
Visual screen for storage and maintenance activities
Around parking lots
   3.   Types of Buffers.
      A.   Nonresidential/Residential Separation Buffers. Type 1 buffer shall be provided wherever a nonresidential use abuts a residential use or a residentially zoned district.
      B.   Single-Family/Multi-Family Separation Buffers. Type 1 buffers shall be provided wherever a multi-family residential development, townhouse/attached development or a mobile home park abuts a single-family residential use or district. The buffer shall be located on the multi-family or mobile home park property.
      C.   Reverse Frontage Buffers. Type 2 buffers shall be provided where a rear or side yard of any residential or nonresidential use abuts an arterial or collector road, or any existing perimeter street not part of a new development.
      D.   Farmland Preservation Buffer. Type 3 buffer yard shall be required where residential or nonresidential uses abut farmland.
      E.   Visual Screen for Storage and Maintenance Activities. Type 4 buffer yard, which shall include fence and plantings sufficient to provide a visual screen.
      F.   Parking lot periphery for retail and consumer service, institutional and office uses. Type 5 buffer, consisting of a landscaped area 20 feet in width provided at the periphery of all lots used for retail and consumer service, office or industrial activities. Where a larger buffer is required by other sections of this Ordinance the larger buffer shall be provided.
   4.   Buffer Dimension and Planting Requirements.
      A.   Type 1 Buffer. Buffer design and plant materials (nonresidential/residential separation buffer and single-family/multi-family separation buffer) shall be as follows:
         (1)   Buffer width–25 feet.
         (2)   Screened planted area–minimum of 25 feet.
         (3)   Berming may be provided if it contributes to the screening effect and if it can be blended into the topography. The undulating berms shall vary between 3 and 6 feet in height and shall meander in a naturalistic fashion without adversely affecting drainage. Slope ratios shall not be less than 3 to 1 (horizontal to vertical).
         (4)   Plant materials shall comply with the requirements of the following chart:
Type 1 Buffer Planting Requirements
Plant Types
Plant Quantities Required
6 to 7 feet in height
one evergreen per 20 feet of buffer length
Shade trees
3 to 3½ inch caliper
one shade tree per every three evergreens or approximately one per 60 feet of buffer length
Flowering trees
8 to 10 feet in height;
2½ inch caliper
one flower tree per every three evergreens or approximately one per 60 feet of buffer length
minimum of 4 feet in height
five shrubs for every one evergreen tree or approximately one per 4 feet of buffer length; planted in naturalistic groupings of mixed plant varieties and sizes in masses within mulched planning beds; not more than 75 percent being deciduous varieties and not less than 50 percent being flowering varieties
Ground-covering plants
18 inch maximum height at maturity
10 plants per every one shrub; planted in masses with shrub beds at a rate of 1 per square foot of shrub bed area with a minimum of 10 plants for each shrub.
      B.   Type 2 Buffer. Buffer design and plant materials (reverse frontage buffer) shall be as follows:
         (1)   Buffer width–100 feet.
         (2)   Screened planted area–minimum of 50 feet closest to the street or bordering lot line.
         (3)   Preserve existing trees and supplement with shade-tolerant evergreens, trees and shrubs selected from plant list in the Township Subdivision/Land Development Ordinance.
         (4)   Planted area shall completely screen the views of abutting yards from the street from ground level to 6 feet above ground level at plan maturity.
         (5)   Berming may be provided; vertically and horizontally meandering berms suggesting a rolling landscape shall be incorporated into the grading design without adversely affecting drainage. Berms shall be 3 to 6 feet in height and shall vary in height and slope. Slope to height ratios shall not be less than 3 to 1.
Buffer Type 2 Planting Requirements
Plant Types
Plant Quantities Required
Shade trees
3 to 3½ inch caliper
50 trees per 1,000 linear feet of buffer length
6 to 7 feet in height
50 trees per 1,000 linear feet of buffer length
Flowering trees
8 to 10 feet in height
10 trees per 1,000 linear feet of buffer length
4 feet in height
150 shrubs per 1,000 linear feet of buffer length
      C.   Type 3 Buffer. Buffer design and plant material (farmland buffer) shall be as follows:
         (1)   Buffer width–25 feet.
         (2)   Planted area–minimum of 10 feet in width.
         (3)   The farmland area shall be separated from the residential area by a fence placed on the property line.
         (4)   The 10 feet immediately adjacent to the fence shall be planted with inkberry holly, bayberry and red twig dogwood or other shrub material as approved by the Township in informal groupings to achieve a naturalized farmland buffer as an adequate separation between farmland and developed land.
         (5)   The remaining 15 feet abutting the farmland shall be planted in grasses or wildflowers to be mowed or ground-covering plants on a slope not to exceed a 4 to 1 (horizontal to vertical).
Buffer Type 3 Planting Requirements
Plant Types
Plant Quantities Required
4 feet in height
150 shrubs per 1,000 linear feet of buffer length
      D.   Type 4 Buffer. Buffer design and plant materials shall be as follows:
         (1)   Buffer shall consist of a solid fence with evergreen plantings along the exterior face to be planted around storage areas and yards to provide security and a complete visual screen. Buffer width shall be wide enough to accommodate a fence and evergreens or shrubs abutting the fence.
         (2)   A buffer wide enough to accommodate a fence and plantings abutting the fence is required.
         (3)   A solid fence shall be provided. The fence height shall be adequate to provide a complete visual screen from adjoining properties but not to exceed 8 feet in height. Fence details shall be provided with the landscape plan. Along the exterior face of the fence there shall be a row of shrubs and/or evergreens in a hedging habit planted at a rate to obscure the appearance of the fencing after a 5-year growing period. Minimum shrub and upright habit evergreen height at planting shall be 4 feet.
Buffer Type 4 Planting Requirements
Plant Types
Plant Quantities Required
6 feet to 7 feet in height
50 trees per 1,000 linear feet of buffer length
4 feet in height
150 shrubs per 1,000 linear feet of buffer length
      E.   Type 5 Buffer. Buffer design and plant materials shall be as follows:
         (1)   A 20-feet wide buffer area is required.
         (2)   Shrubs with a planted minimum height of 3 feet shall be installed, with shade trees interspersed, in a continuous band with a spacing not exceeding 5 feet on center for shrubs and 30 feet on center for trees. Walls and/or fencing may be integrated with the required planting.
Buffer Type 5 Planting Requirements
Plant Types
Plant Quantities Required
Shade trees
3½ inch caliper
34 trees per 1,000 linear feet of buffer length
3 feet in height
200 shrubs per 1,000 linear feet of buffer length
   5.   Planting Requirements near Overhead Utility Lines.
      A.   Where street trees are to be planted along streets with overhead power lines, the following requirements shall be met:
         (1)   If trees are to be planted within 15 feet of a utility pole or line, measured along the ground from the base of the pole, only trees which grow no taller than 25 feet shall be planted.
         (2)   If trees are to be planted within 15–25 feet of a utility pole or line, measured along the ground from the base of the pole, only trees which grow no taller than 40 feet shall be planted. Refer to Township Plant List in the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance for specifications and acceptable trees.
   6.   Existing Trees in Right-of-Way. Trees in the right-of-way of Township roads, where the right- of-way belongs to the Township, shall not be removed without Township approval except within the clear sight triangle and except for the removal of dead or unhealthy trees or nonnative invasive trees. All trees within the right-of-way shall be included in the landscape plan.
   7.   The following characteristics shall be considered when selecting trees and shrubs for buffer planting:
      A.   Wildlife values–provision of food and habitat for wildlife.
      B.   Species longevity.
      C.   Native to the area.
      D.   Maintaining the diversity of species in the area.
      E.   Hardiness (wind firmness, climate requirements, characteristics of soil to hold tree).
      F.   Existence of disease, rot, or other damage to tree.
      G.   Susceptibility of insect and disease attack and to pollution.
      H.   Aesthetic values (autumn, coloration, type of flowers or fruit, form characteristics).
      I.   Maintenance and care (pruning, etc.).
      J.   Comfort to surroundings (summer shade).
      K.   Protection of buildings, vehicles and pedestrians.
      L.   Size at maturity.
      M.   Effect of soil retention and erosion control.
      N.   Value as a noise buffer.
      O.   Invasive species of trees and plants shall be avoided and may be removed, such as Norway Maples.
   8.   Buffers may be reduced or eliminated at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors in the VR and VC District only, where buffering would adversely affect the mix of uses and activities in a village setting.
   9.   The screen planting shall be maintained permanently and any plant material which does not live shall be replaced within 8 months by the current owner. Financial security shall be posted with the Township in an amount equal to the estimated cost of trees and plantings, to be released 18 months from the date of acceptance of installation. A plan for perpetual care of the buffer area shall be provided to the Township. Failure to maintain the required buffer shall be considered a violation of this Ordinance. Use of existing vegetation is encouraged and it may be used to meet or partially meet requirements of this Ordinance if acceptable to the Township.
(Ord. passed 10-2-2007, § 502)