Any license or permit issued for a massage establishment or for a massagist may be revoked or suspended by the township after notice and a hearing, for good cause, or in any case where any of the provisions of this chapter are violated or where any employee of the licensee, including a masseur or masseuse is engaged in any conduct which violates any of the state or local laws or chapters at licensee’s place of business and the licensee has actual or constructive knowledge by due diligence.
   (A)   Prior to revoking or suspending a license or permit, the township shall send notice of its intent to do so to the licensee’s or permit holder’s last known address.
   (B)   The licensee or permit holder shall have the right to a hearing before the Township Zoning Officer and shall have the right to be represented by legal counsel at said hearing.
   (C)   The licensee or permit holder shall have the right to present witnesses and evidence at the hearing and to cross-examine any witnesses presented against them.
   (D)   After denial of an application, or denial of a renewal of an application, or suspension or revocation of any license, the applicant or licensee may seek prompt judicial review of such administrative action in any court of competent jurisdiction.
(Ord. 160, passed 11-9-2010)