(A)   Every applicant for a license to maintain, operate or conduct a massage establishment shall file an application under oath with the township upon a form provided by the township and pay a nonrefundable annual license fee, which shall be $100 per year or any part thereof.
   (B)   The application shall contain the following information:
      (1)   A definition of the service to be provided;
      (2)   The location, mailing address and all telephone numbers where the business is to be conducted;
      (3)   The name and residence address of each applicant (hereinafter all provisions which refer to applicant include an applicant which may be a corporation or partnership):
         (a)   If the applicant is a corporation, the name and residence addresses of each of the officers and directors of said corporation and of each stockholder owning more than 10% of the stock of the corporation, and the address of the corporation itself, if different from the address of the massage establishment; and
         (b)   If the applicant is a partnership, the names and residence addresses of each of the partners including limited partners, and the address of the partnership itself, if different from the address of the massage establishment.
      (4)   The two previous addresses immediately prior to the present address of the applicant;
      (5)   Proof that the individual applicant is at least 18 years of age;
      (6)   Individual or partnership applicant’s height, weight, color of eyes and hair, and sex;
      (7)   Copy of identification such as driver’s license and Social Security card;
      (8)   Business, occupation or employment of the applicant for the three years immediately preceding the date of application;
      (9)   The massage or similar business license history of the applicant; whether such person, in previously operating in this or another township or state, has had a business license revoked or suspended, the reason therefor, and the business activity or occupation subsequent to such action of suspension or revocation;
      (10)   All criminal convictions for sexual offenses including violations of §§ 3121-27 and 5901-03 of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code (18 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 3121 to 3127 and 5901 to 5903), including the date of convictions, nature of the crimes and place convicted;
      (11)   The name, date of birth and address of each massagist who is or will be employed in said establishment;
      (12)   The name and address of any massage business or other establishment owned or operated by any person whose name is required to be given in division (B)(3) above wherein the business or profession of massage is carried on;
      (13)   A description of any other business to be operated on the same premises or on adjoining premises owned or controlled by the applicant; and
      (14)   Authorization for the township, its agents and employees to seek information and conduct an investigation into the truth of the statements set forth in the application and the qualifications of the applicant for the permit.
   (C)   The application shall not be accepted until all of the foregoing information is supplied to the township. The holder of any massage establishment license shall notify the township of any change in data required to be furnished by this section within ten days after such change occurs, including the name, date of birth and address of new employees.
(Ord. 160, passed 11-9-2010)