For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS. Designed for large volumes of high-speed traffic with access to abutting properties restricted. Ultimate rights-of-way shall be 100 feet.
   CARTWAY. The paved portion of a street between curbs or shoulders.
   COLLECTOR HIGHWAYS. Designed to carry a moderate volume of fast-moving traffic from primary and secondary streets to arterial highways, with access to abutting properties restricted. Ultimate rights-of-way shall be 80 feet.
   LOCAL ACCESS ROADS. Designed to provide access to abutting properties and to primary streets. Ultimate rights-of-way shall be 52 feet along local access streets.
   PRIMARY STREETS. Designed to carry a moderate volume of traffic, to intercept local access roads, to provide routes to collector highways, and to provide access to abutting properties. Ultimate rights-of-way shall be 64 feet.
   RIGHT-OF-WAY. A strip of land occupied or intended to be occupied by a street.
   STREET. Includes the word ROAD.
   TOWNSHIP. Springfield Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
   ULTIMATE RIGHT-OF-WAY. The right-of-way width required for the expansion of streets to accommodate anticipated future traffic and/or to provide future access to or through undeveloped land.