For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ABANDONED OR JUNKED VEHICLE. Any automobile, trailer or other vehicle whose state of disrepair is such that it poses a risk of harm to children or other members of the public, or poses a risk of attracting and/or serving as shelter for snakes, vermin, insects or other wild animals.
   DANGEROUS STRUCTURE. Any building which has deteriorated to the state where it is dangerous and unsafe for human occupancy, constitutes a fire hazard, endangers surrounding buildings, shelters rats or other vermin, endangers the safety of children playing thereabouts or endangers other members of the public.
   GARBAGE or RUBBISH. All types of material having only a junk or salvage value, including, but not limited to, scrap metal, glass, industrial waste, trailers, boats, furniture and parts thereof, the storage of which poses a risk of harm to children or other members of the public, or poses a risk of attracting and/or serving as shelter for snakes, vermin, insects or other wild animals.
   PERSON. Any individual, partnership or corporation, or unincorporated association.
   PROPERTY. Property shall include both private and public property.
(Ord. 151, passed 10-28-2008)