§ 32.42 DUTIES.
   The tasks of the Park and Land Preservation Board are:
   (A)   Not later than August 30 of each year, prepare an estimate of the township’s available balance from the previous fiscal year – or the difference between revenue from the dedicated tax and expenses to pay the bonds in the upcoming year – for computation of allowable spending under Act 115 of 2013 for the Board of Supervisor’s review and certification. The Board of Supervisors may allocate up to 100% of the estimate at its discretion.
   (B)   Once certified, draft an annual budget recommendation for the purpose of fulfilling the objectives described in the tax referendum of 2000 for Supervisor approval.
   (C)   Seek, facilitate and recommend to the Board of Supervisors the acquisition of conservation easements – and in rare cases fee simple purchase – for land preservation consistent with the purposes set forth in the bond referendum of 2007.
   (D)   Supervise, regulate, equip and maintain township funded recreation program and facilities, with the exception that no expense greater than $1,000 shall be incurred without prior consent of the Board of Supervisors. Recommend to the Board of Supervisors contributions to township controlled facilities for the purposes of maintenance, capital improvements, and the like, so long as the property is within the township boundaries and is made available to township residents for public use.
   (E)   Prepare updates to the township’s Park and Recreation Plan (2013) and Open Space Plan (2010) for Board of Supervisor’s approval when requested by the Board of Supervisors. Prepare an annual report for delivery to the Board of Supervisors not later than February 28 on funds spent the previous year and including an analysis of the adequacy and effectiveness of community recreation areas, facilities and leadership.
(Ord. 190, passed 6-26-2018)