A. No Regulated Earth Disturbance activities within the Township shall commence until approval by the Township of a plan which demonstrates compliance with State Water Quality Requirements after construction is complete.
B. The BMPs must be designed, implemented, and maintained to meet State Water Quality Requirements and any other more stringent requirements as determined by the Township.
C. To control post-construction stormwater impacts from Regulated Earth Disturbance activities, State Water Quality Requirements may be met by BMPs, including site design, which provide for replication of preconstruction stormwater infiltration and runoff conditions, so that post-construction stormwater discharges do not degrade the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of receiving waters. As described in the PADEP Comprehensive Stormwater Management Policy (#392-0300-002, September 28, 2002), this may be achieved by the following:
1. Infiltration: replication of preconstruction stormwater infiltration conditions.
2. Treatment: use of water quality treatment BMPs to filter out the chemical and physical pollutants from the stormwater runoff, and
3. Streambank and Streambed Protection: management of volume and rate of post-construction stormwater discharges to prevent physical degradation of receiving waters (e.g. from scouring).
D. PADEP has regulations that require Townships to ensure design, implementation, and maintenance of Best Management Practices (BMPs) that control runoff from new development and redevelopment after Regulated Earth Disturbance activities are complete. These requirements include the need to implement post-construction stormwater BMPs with assurance of long-term operations and maintenance of those BMPs.
E. Evidence of any necessary permit(s) for Regulated Earth Disturbance activities from the appropriate PADEP regional office must be submitted to the Township.
F. BMP operations and maintenance requirements are described in Article VII of this Ordinance.
(Ord. 186, passed 9-12-2017)