§ 310 Standards During Land Disturbance.
   A.   For all regulated earth disturbance activities, erosion and sediment control BMPs shall be designed, implemented, operated and maintained during the regulated earth disturbance activities (i.e., during construction) to meet the purposes and requirements of this Ordinance and to meet all requirements under Title 25 of the Pennsylvania Code and the Clean Streams Law. Various BMPs and their design standards are listed in the Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual (E&S Manual3), No. 363-2134-008, as amended and updated.
   B.   No Regulated Earth Disturbance activities within the Township shall commence until approval by the Township of an Erosion and Sediment Control and Grading Plan for construction activities.
   C.   Pursuant to 25 PA Code Chapter 92, a PADEP “NPDES Construction Activities” permit is required for Regulated Earth Disturbance activities.
   D.   Evidence of any necessary permit(s) for Regulated Earth Disturbance activities from the appropriate PADEP regional office or Bucks County Conservation District must be submitted to the Township.
   E.   A copy of the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and any required permit, as required by PADEP regulations shall be available at the project site at all times.
   F.   Additional erosion and sedimentation control design standards and criteria that must be applied where infiltration BMPs are proposed include the following:
      1.   Areas proposed for infiltration BMPs shall be protected from sedimentation and compaction during the construction phase, so as to maintain their maximum infiltration capacity. Thirty-three (33) inches Super Filter Fabric Fence (or other approved protection mechanism) must be installed around proposed infiltration areas to prevent encroachment and compaction by construction equipment.
      2.   Infiltration BMPs shall not be constructed nor receive runoff until the entire contributory drainage area to the infiltration BMP has received final stabilization. If necessary, thirty-three (33) inches Super Filter Fabric Fence (or other approved protection mechanism) must be installed in the vicinity of infiltration area to prevent contamination by runoff containing suspended sediment.
   G.   Peak discharges and discharge volumes from the site shall comply with the appropriate sections above, with the following additions:
      1.   For purposes of calculating required detention storage volume during land disturbance, peak discharge rates and volumes shall be calculated based upon runoff coefficients for bare soils during the maximum extent of disturbance from clearing, grading, and impervious surface installation, shown on the development plan. Controls shall insure that the difference in volume and rate of peak discharges before disturbance and during shall not exceed those peak discharges and volumes required in Section 302 and 303 of this Ordinance. Detention storage during the period of land disturbance and prior to establishment of permanent cover may require additional facilities on a temporary basis. Such measures shall be located so as to preserve the natural soil infiltration capacities of the planned infiltration areas. Calculations based on the above parameters must be submitted to verify “during construction” runoff rate does not exceed predevelopment runoff rate for the 1-year frequency through 100-year frequency design storm events.
      2.   Wherever soils, topography, cut and fill or grading requirements, or other conditions suggest substantial erosion potential during land disturbance, the Township may require that the entire volume of all storms up to a 2-year storm from the disturbed areas be retained on site and that special sediment trapping facilities (such as check dams, etc.) be installed.
   H.   Areas of the site to remain undisturbed shall be protected against encroachment from construction equipment/vehicles to maintain the existing infiltration characteristics of the soil. Four feet high orange safety fence or other similar protection fence approved by the Township must be installed around the entire limit of disturbance/clearing prior to commencement of earthmoving activities, and maintained until completion of all construction activity.
(Ord. 186, passed 9-12-2017)