1. It shall be the responsibility of the water consumer to conduct or cause to be conducted, periodic surveys of water use practices on his premises as necessary to determine whether there are actual or potential cross connections in the consumer’s water supply system. The Manager shall have the authority to conduct or cause to be conducted periodic surveys and investigations, of a frequency as determined by the Manager, of water use practices within a consumer’s premises to determine whether there are actual or potential cross connections to the consumer’s water supply system through which contaminants or pollutants could backflow into the public water supply system. The Manager may conduct these surveys to provide information in determining what level of protection will be necessary to protect the public health and safety.
2. On request by the Manager the consumer shall furnish the Manager information on water use practices within the consumer’s premises. If the consumer refuses to submit the proper information or to cooperate in obtaining the proper information, the Manager shall treat the premises as if no appropriate cross connection survey has been completed, and in such event the consumer shall be required to install an approved backflow prevention device as required to section 9-306.
3. The Manager shall have the right to enter a premises served by the public water supply system at all reasonable times for the purpose of making surveys and investigations of water use practices within the premises. In order to inspect a premise, the Manager shall give notice setting forth a proposed date and time to the consumer at least ten (10) days in advance. If the consumer cannot make the premises available for inspection at the proposed date and time, the consumer shall contact the Manager and arrange for another date and time for the inspection. If the Manager and the consumer cannot agree on a date and time, then the Manager shall treat the premises as if no appropriate cross connection survey has been completed, and in such event the consumer shall be required to install an approved backflow prevention device as required to section 9-306.
4. The City Council is hereby appointed as a Hearing Board to hear differences between the Manager and the consumer on matters concerning interpretation and execution of the provisions of this Article by the Manager. Any consumer aggrieved by being required to pay the expense of installing, furnishing, and or maintaining a backflow prevention device may, within fourteen (14) days of the act or event causing the grievance, request a hearing in writing. City Council shall schedule the matter for hearing within thirty (30) days, and provide written notice of the meeting by first class mail to the consumer. The notice shall be mailed to the consumer at least seven (7) and not more than twenty-one (21) days before the hearing. At the hearing the consumer shall first state the nature of the grievance, and the Manager shall be entitled to respond thereto, whereupon the City Council shall render its decision which will be binding upon the consumer and the Manager.