The Community Development Director is authorized and directed to provide inspectors with citation tags which may be used for the purpose of giving due notice and summons to the person responsible for violations of the provisions of this chapter.
   (a)   Such citation tag shall be put in writing on an appropriate form, describe the offense charged, refer to the sections of the chapter violated, order the defendant to appear at a stated time and place, and it shall be made on oath before any person authorized by law to administer oaths.
   (b)   The citation tag shall be served on such person in person. However, this citation shall be deemed to be properly served upon the person if a copy thereof is sent by registered or certified mail to his last known mailing address, residence, or place of business, or a copy is posed in a conspicuous place in or on the dwelling where the garage sale is held. If a registered or certified mail envelope is returned with an endorsement showing that service was refused, the notice may be served by ordinary mail to his last known mailing address, residence, or place of business. The mailing shall be evidenced by a certificate of mailing, and service shall be deemed complete on the date of mailing. If the registered or certified mail envelope is returned with an endorsement showing that service was unclaimed, the notice may be served by ordinary mail to his last known mailing address, residence, or place of business. The mailing shall be evidenced by a certificate of mailing, and service shall be deemed complete on the date of mailing, provided that the ordinary mail envelope is not returned by the postal authorities with an endorsement showing failure of delivery.
   (c)   The citation tag shall inform the defendant that, in lieu of appearing at the time and place stated, he may, within that stated time, appear personally at the office of the Clerk of Municipal Court and on signing a plea of guilty and a waiver of trial, pay a stated fine and stated costs, if any. The citation shall inform the defendant that he may be arrested if he fails to appear either at the Clerk's office or at the time and place stated in the citation.
   (d)   When the defendant fails to appear within the stated time, a warrant may be issued for the arrest of that person.
   (e)   When a defendant appears, but does not sign a guilty plea and waiver of trial, the court shall proceed in accordance with Rule 5 of the Ohio Rules of Criminal Procedure.
   (f)   The citation tag as herein provided shall be sufficient notice, summons, and legal service thereof for the purpose specified thereon, provided that the use of such tags shall not prohibit the issuance of either additional citation tags in the event such violation is continued or repeated.
      (Ord. 90-626. Passed 11-27-90.)