Landlords shall furnish to all their tenants information regarding the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants under Revised Code Chapter 5321, the Ohio Landlord-Tenant Act, according to the following processes and terms and conditions:
(a) the landlord shall deliver to the tenant before the tenant begins to occupy the premises either:
(1) a printed pamphlet regarding the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants under Revised Code Chapter 5321, the Ohio Landlord-Tenant Act, prepared by the City , or
(2) a written notice that an electronic copy of the pamphlet may be found at an internet address specified by the Community Development Director.
(b) Receipt of either the printed pamphlet or the notice with the internet address must be acknowledged by signature of the tenant stating that the tenant has received either the printed pamphlet or the notice with the internet address. A prominent warning shall be featured near the place of affixing signatures that forging of any signature may have criminal penalties.
(c) The Community Development Director shall make available to landlords at no cost, the pamphlet described in §(a)1 above and a specimen notice described in §(a)(2) above.
(d) If a landlord fails to produce a copy of a signed receipt described in subsection (b) above upon request by the Community Development Director or the director’s designee, the Director or designee shall issue to the landlord a notice of violation.
(e) A second violation by a landlord in the same twelve month period is a Class B Civil Offense under the terms of Chapter 1324 of these Codified Ordinances.