1390.13 APPEALS.
   (a)   Any Owner or Designated Agent may make an initial appeal specifically detailing the reasons of the appeal to the Director of Community Development regarding a notice received under this Chapter.
   (b)   Any Owner or Designated Agent that remains aggrieved following the initial decision of the Director of Community Development may appeal such order directly to the Office of the City Manager or his or her designee within fifteen (15) days of receiving the Director's initial decision. The appeal to the City Manager is required to detail specifically the reasons of the appeal. The City Manager will make a decision either approving or reversing the Director of Community Development's decision.
   (c)   If the aggrieved person believes they are still aggrieved, they may then appeal such order to the Rental Registration Appeals Panel, hereby created by this Section of the Springfield Codified Ordinances, comprised of the City's Finance Director or designee, the City Manager's designee, two (2) members of the City Fire Division; and one (1) member of the Clark County Combined Health District (the "appeal panel").
      (1)   Any Owner or Designated Agent aggrieved by a decision made on an application filed with the City may file an appeal to the appeal panel with the City Manager's Office or designee along with a processing fee of $100.00 for a property with a Residential Rental Property designation; provided that the filing of the appeal is made within fourteen days after the City Manager and his/her designee issues his/her decision regarding the appeal.
      (2)   The appeal panel shall consider the provisions of this Chapter, use data establishing the actual usage of the property, the application and its attachments, the initial decisions of the Community Development Director, and the contents of the appeal document in reviewing the City Manager's decision and shall affirm or reverse or reverse and remand the decision.
      (3)   The decision of the appeal panel shall be final. Any further appeal shall be to the Court of Common Pleas.
         (Ord. 24-81. Passed 3-26-2024.)