Sexually Oriented Businesses
707.01   Purpose and intent.
707.02   Definitions.
707.03   Operator's license requirements.
707.04   Processing applications for sexually oriented business licenses.
707.05   Expiration and renewal of operator's license.
707.06   Suspension and revocation of operator's license.
707.07   Transfer of operator's license.
707.08   Right of entry.
707.09   Sexually oriented business employee permit.
707.10   Expiration and renewal of sexually oriented business employee permit.
707.11   Suspension or revocation of a sexually oriented business employee and independent contractor's permit.
707.12   Notices.
707.13   Appeal.
707.14   Standards of conduct and operation applicable to adult cabarets.
707.15   Regulations regarding minors and sexually oriented businesses.
707.16   Business operations standards.
707.17   Prohibitions.
707.18   Injunction and other.
NOTE: This chapter in its entirety was adopted with Ordinance No. 19-85 passed March 26, 2019.