111.01 MEETINGS.
   The City Hall Forum is the usual place for holding regular meetings of the City Commission.
   The meeting following a regular municipal election for newly elected Commissioners to assume the duties of their office shall be held as required Section 14 of the Charter. Other meetings shall be held in accordance with an annual calendar which the City Commission shall adopt by motion. Said motion shall specifically identify any meeting not held on a Tuesday, the Commission’s regular day for meeting, or any meeting not commencing at 7 p.m., the Commission’s regular time for convening its meetings. The calendar of meetings shall be made available to the public.
   The City Commission’s calendar of meetings shall comply with the further requirement of Section 14 of the Charter, to assure that the City Commission meets not less than 48 times within any calendar year and with no meeting being more than two weeks following the immediately preceding meeting.
   The Commission may determine, by motion, to change the location, time, or date for any meeting on its calendar of meetings, provided notice of the time, date, and place of such meeting is given in accordance with applicable law.
(Ord. 91-291, passed 7-16-91; Ord. 13-14, passed 1-22-13.)