(a)   Water mains shall be designed in accordance with this section. Water main materials shall conform to City of Springfield Construction and Material Specifications, latest edition, on file in the Service Department. The developer shall consult the City's master water plan before preparing plans.
   (b)   All streets in the development shall be provided with water mains, valve boxes, and fire hydrants. All single-family residential developments shall be provided with house services and meter boxes. Curb boxes, meter boxes, and valve boxes shall be installed at finished grade and in accordance with City standard drawings.
   (c)   All water mains shall be sized a minimum of eight inches in diameter as well as to meet usage and fire flow demands unless otherwise specified as follows:
      (1)   Lines may be required to be larger than eight inch if identified in the City's master water or facilities plan. Lines may also be required to be larger if an identified need can be documented based on flow or pressure deficiencies or if the City desires to enter into an oversize agreement.
      (2)   If a line segment is to be installed that completes a loop, grid, or extends lines of uniform size and no current deficiencies for pressure or flow can be identified, a like diameter pipe size will be installed.
      (3)   Should it be determined by the Service Department that inadequate cycling of the water would occur, thus resulting in nonconformance with water quality standards and regulations, alternative line sizing and connection configurations will be identified by the Service Director or designee. The Service Director or designee shall cooperate with the fire official in determining the main size to ensure adequate fire flow demands.
      (4)   Waterlines in one- and two-family residential subdivisions may be six-inch diameter if interconnected and looped in segments unless a segment of a main functions as a transmission or supply main through the subdivision.
   (d)   All water mains and water services shall have a minimum of 48 inches of cover.
   (e)   All water distribution systems in a subdivision shall be designed with looping for proper water flow. Dead end lines shall be approved by the Service Director or designee, after consultation with the fire official, only if the developer can show no feasible means to loop the lines.
   (f)   Fire hydrants shall be installed as designated by the City's Fire Division based on the following guidelines:
      (1)   Installed along public and/or private water mains at distances no greater than 400 feet apart, as measured along the main, except in areas of one- and two-family residential buildings. Such distances shall be no greater than 500 feet. All fire hydrants shall be placed on lot lines.
      (2)   Installed at the end of six-inch lines or greater.
      (3)   Installed at street corners ten foot from end of radius.
      (4)   Installed as required for maintenance and operational purposes.
      (5)   All cul-de-sacs shall have a fire hydrant at the end for fire flow demands.
   (g)   All water main plans shall be submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency for review. The developer shall prepare all forms and pay all fees necessary for submission of the plans to the Environmental Protection Agency.
(Ord. 95-387. Passed 12-5-95; Ord. 00-456. Passed 12-18-00; Ord. 19-289. Passed 12-10-19.)