The Chief of Police or other supervisory personnel within the Police Division authorized by the Chief of Police may require any non-bargaining unit member of the Police Division employed as a clerk-stenographer to make themselves available on a stand-by basis during the employee's non-routine work hours to provide stenography services for the Police Division. The Chief of Police or other supervisory personnel authorized by the Chief of Police shall determine that such stand-by services are needed and shall designate and inform the person who is needed to serve in a stand-by capacity prior to the commencement of such stand-by period. Any employee required to serve in a stand-by capacity shall keep the Police Division informed as to where they are and make themselves available for work during such stand-by period. Any such employee shall report to work within thirty minutes of notification that their services are needed. Any employee required to serve in a stand-by capacity pursuant to this section shall receive the following compensation:
   (a)   Any employee serving in a stand-by capacity who is not required to report to work shall receive compensation equal to one hour of work at one and one-half times the employee's regular base compensation for each eight-hour period of stand-by service the employee is required to serve but during which the employee is not required to report to work;
   (b)   Any employee serving in a stand-by capacity who is required to report for work shall receive compensation at the rate of one and one-half the employee's regular base compensation for each hour of work performed; or, if less than two hours of work is required, then for two hours of work at one and one-half times the employee's regular base compensation.
   In no event shall an employee receive compensation pursuant to both subsections (a) and (b) above for the same eight-hour period of stand-by service, and any compensation received pursuant to subsection (a) above shall not inure to the benefit of the employee for any other purpose.
(Ord. 88-62. Passed 2-9-88.)