(a)   No person shall transport solid waste, other than recyclable materials being trasnported to a recycling center, over the streets or other public ways in the City unless the solid waste is contained in a leak-proof vehicle licensed pursuant to this part. All vehicles used by private solid waste collectors shall be cleaned at sufficient frequency to prevent nuisance and insect breeding and shall be maintained in safe condition and repair.
   (b)   No person owning or having control of a vehicle used for transporting solid waste shall cause any of the solid waste being transported to be dumped, fall or to be scattered on any public way or in any place other than a premises licensed by the State as a solid waste disposal site or facility pursuant to Ohio R.C. Chapter 3734. The person having control of a vehicle shall immediately clean up any solid waste which has been discharged from his vehicle onto any place other than a premises licensed by the State as a solid waste disposal site or facility pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3734.
(Ord. 87-421. Passed 7-17-87.)
   (c)   No private solid waste collector shall engage in the business of a private solid waste collector by the curbside collection of solid waste or transportation of such solid waste so collected from or over the street or other public ways in the City at anytime prior to 6:00 a.m., nor after 8 p.m. of any day. No such private solid waste collector shall engage in the curbside collection of solid waste except pursuant to the daily collection schedule as it may be, from time to time, established by the City Manager pursuant to Section 919.09.
(Ord. 01-410. Passed 12-11-01.)