   For the purpose of this Chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
   (a)   “Dwelling unit” shall have the same meaning as is set forth in Codified Ordinance Section 1102.02(d)(23).
   (b)   “Owner” shall have the same meaning as set forth in Codified Ordinance Section 1323.01(e).
   (c)   “Occupant” shall mean any person other than the owner who has tenement, lessee, or other contractual rights to the premises.
      (Ord. 03-352. Passed 10-28-03.)
1322.02 PURPOSE.
   This Chapter is enacted for the general purpose of promoting the public health, safety, comfort, and welfare of the residents of The City of Springfield, Ohio, and, specifically, to provide for an inspection program for non-owner-occupied dwelling units which focuses upon owners of dwelling units with a demonstrable history of noncompliance with code enforcement notices and orders, all in an attempt to facilitate the provision of habitable and safe dwelling units for occupancy by the citizens of The City of Springfield, Ohio.
(Ord. 03-352. Passed 10-28-03.)
   In addition to existing case-by-case complaint-based inspections of dwelling units in the City:
   (a)   The nonresident owner of a premises with a dwelling unit shall have the interior and exterior of the premises, its structures, and its dwelling units inspected semi-annually, for a minimum of four years, to determine compliance with the Property Maintenance Code (or other applicable codes), under the following circumstances:
      (1)   If two or more notices and orders to comply have been issued after January 1, 2004, to the owner pursuant to Chapter 1305 or Chapter 1324 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Springfield, or any other applicable code of a substantially similar nature, within any two year period, concerning the same premises, and have not been complied with within the time provided in the notices and orders to comply, said premises shall be inspected as specified above.
      (2)   If the owner has had a premises ordered razed by the City pursuant to an Adjudication Order, or other substantially similar order of like import, after January 1, 2004, or has had a property actually razed by the City as a public nuisance after January 1, 2004, all premises and structures with a dwelling unit belonging to, but not occupied by, that owner shall be inspected as specified above.
   (b)   A fee for the inspections, as specified above, shall be due and collectable from the owner in advance, as detailed below:
      (1)   $125 for a premises with one dwelling unit
      (2)   $175 for a premises with two dwelling units
      (3)   $225 for a premises with three dwelling units
      (4)   $250 for a premises with four dwelling units
      (5)   $265 for the first dwelling unit in a premises with five or more dwelling units, plus $15 for each additional dwelling unit on the premises.
      (6)   Should one or more re-inspections prove necessary, a fee of $50 will be imposed for each such re-inspection.
         (Ord. 03-352. Passed 10-28-03.)