(a)   The Historic Landmarks Commission shall consist of seven (7) members who shall be appointed by the City Commission. All members shall have, to the highest extent possible, a recognized knowledge of and known interest in architectural preservation and design together with a determination to work for the overall improvement of the quality of Springfield's physical environment. Membership on the Landmarks Commission shall include: three (3) at-large members that represent the disciplines of architecture, history or preservation; and four (4) citizens-at-large. Nominations may be solicited from the local chapters of the American Institute of Architects, Clark County Bar Association, Clark County Board of Realtors, Clark County Historical Society, South Fountain Preservation, Inc., and other groups or organizations that might have an interest in the Commission.
(Ord. 11-304. Passed 11-1-11.)
   (b)   Each of the members shall be appointed to a term of three (3) years. No member shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. After a member has served during two (2) consecutive terms he shall be ineligible for reappointment to the Landmarks Commission until one (1) year has expired since his last date of service on the Commission.
(Ord. 94-139. Passed 4-19-94.)
   (c)   Any vacancy on the Landmarks Commission shall be filled as in the case of the original appointment, as set forth herein for the unexpired term of the member whose vacancy is so filled.
   (d)   All members of the Landmarks Commission shall serve without compensation and shall be subject to removal from office by a majority of the City Commission.
   (e)   Persons eligible for service on the Landmarks Commission shall meet the following qualifications:
      (1)   Persons serving on another City board or commission shall not be eligible to serve on the Landmarks Commission.
      (2)   A person who is a member of a City employee's family, as defined in Section 111.04, or an elected public officials shall not be eligible to serve on the Landmarks Commission.
         (Ord. 12-110. Passed 4-10-12.)
      (3)   Except as otherwise provided herein, if any member of the Landmarks Commission shall fail to meet any of the qualifications stated in subsections (e)(1) and (2) hereof his office shall immediately become vacant.
      (4)   The City Commission, by ordinance and upon finding that the particular expertise of a potential appointee or member is needed on the Landmarks Commission, may waive any or all of the requirements of subsection (e)(1) and subsection (f) hereof for such appointee or member.
   (f)   At least four (4) of the seven (7) members of the Landmarks Commission shall be electors of the City.
   (g)   If any Landmarks Commission member is absent from three (3) of any six (6) consecutive commission meetings, or if such member is unwilling or unable to attend a regularly scheduled prearranged discussion of the public business of his board which fails to qualify as a "meeting" for lack of quorum, his office shall immediately become vacant. Such member shall have the opportunity to explain his absence to the City Commission and may be reappointed by a majority vote of the City Commission to complete the balance of his term.
(Ord. 95-96. Passed 3-14-95.)