The following general requirements shall govern the number, design and location of off-street parking and stacking spaces, drives and aisles whether or not they are required:
   (a)   Where a fractional space results, the number of parking and stacking spaces required shall be the closest whole number. If the fractional amount is one half (1/2), the next lowest whole number shall be applied.
   (b)   Whenever a building or use which existed prior to the effective date of this code is enlarged by one (1) or more additions to the extent of less than fifty (50) percent of the floor area existing as of the date of adoption of this code, the use or uses contained within the additions or enlargements shall comply with the parking requirements of this chapter.
   (c)   Whenever a building or use which existed prior to the effective date of this code is enlarged by one (1) or more additions to the extent of more than fifty (50) percent of the floor area existing as of the date of adoption of this code, the uses contained within the original building and all enlargements shall comply with the parking requirements of this chapter.
   (d)   For mixed uses, the required parking and stacking spaces shall equal the sum of the required parking spaces for the various uses computed separately.
   (e)   The storage of merchandise, materials, equipment, refuse containers, obsolete or discarded vehicles or major repair of vehicles is prohibited in required off-street parking and stacking spaces. Major repair of a vehicle shall be construed as any repair, which immobilizes a vehicle for more than 48 hours.
   (f)   Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy as provided in Chapter 1311 of Part 13 (Building code), of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Springfield, Ohio, or the establishment of a use, all parking and stacking spaces, drives and aisles shall be constructed according to the requirements of this chapter. The Community Development Director or Director's designee may issue a temporary Zoning Certificate in those instances where he/she finds that the paving cannot be installed due to adverse weather conditions or settling of the site after demolition or filling. A temporary Zoning Certificate shall be effective only to a date specific.
   (g)   The property owner is responsible to maintain and replace, as determined by the Community Development Director or the Director's designee, landscaping required by the provisions of this chapter.
   (h)   Parking spaces may be provided either in a parking garage or open area.
   (i)   Non-compliance with any section of this Chapter 1153 will result in code enforcement action and the property owner will be subject to civil fines pursuant to Chapter 1324 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Springfield, Ohio.
      (Ord. 15-42. Passed 2-17-15.)