Should the City Planning Board transfer or delegate its functions, powers, and duties to a Regional Planning Commission, as provided for in Subsection 157.04(g) of this Chapter, such Regional Planning Commission shall be clothed with the following municipal powers and duties which shall be operative within that portion of the Regional Planning Commission’s territory included within the corporate boundaries of the City:
   (a)   To make or cause to be made plans and maps of the whole or any portion of the City included within the Regional Planning Commission’s territory, which plans and maps shall show the Regional Planning Commission’s recommendations for the general location, character, extent, design, removal, relocation, widening or extension of streets, alleys, ways, street fixtures, viaducts, bridges, parks, parkways, boulevards, parking areas, playgrounds, monuments, memorials, public works and improvements; and to make such changes and enlargements in, and amendments and additions to, such plans and maps as are deemed advisable;
   (b)   To act and perform the functions and duties of a platting commission or a platting commissioner for those portions of the City included within the Regional Planning Commission’s territory, in the manner permitted in Ohio R.C. 713.03 and 735.17;
   (c)   To perform all the powers and duties permitted to be performed by a director of public service, as specified in Ohio R.C. 735.15, relating to the location of public buildings, Municipal and County, within those portions of the City included within the Regional Planning Commission’s territory, and the plans and specifications thereof;
   (d)   To perform all the duties and functions required of a planning commission under Ohio R.C. 711.09, relating to major streets, thoroughfares, parks and subdivisions within those portions of the City included within the Regional Planning Commission’s territory;
   (e)   As pertaining to that portion of the City included within the Regional Planning Commission’s territory, to do and perform all duties, functions and things authorized by municipal planning commissions to be done and performed under the provisions of Ohio R.C. 713.01 to 713.05, inclusive, as the same now provides or hereafter may be amended, save those acts, duties and functions herein excepted, reserved or prohibited, and save as such provisions may be in conflict with this chapter, or the Charter or other ordinances of the City; and,
   (f)   As pertaining to that portion of the City included within the Regional Planning Commission’s territory, to coordinate all its activities to the extent that the same are relevant or pertain to the duties, power and authority of the Board of Adjustment and the Board of Park Trustees of the City and the County Commissioners of Clark County, or any planning or zoning authority now or hereafter created or established by the County Commissioners.
   The said Regional Planning Commission shall exercise the powers and duties transferred or delegated to it pursuant to this Section and Subsection 157.04(g) so as to implement the municipal planning and platting policy objectives described in Section 157.07 of this Chapter.
(Ord. 02-350. Passed 9-3-02.)