A salvage yard shall be subject to the following specific requirements:
   (a)    No operation shall be permitted closer than 1,000 feet to any R district.
   (b)   All outdoor storage shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed fence, wall or other solid screen. Solid gates shall be provided at driveway areas. Such enclosures shall be constructed on or inside the front, side and rear lot lines and shall be constructed in such a manner that no outdoor storage or salvage operations shall be visible from an adjacent property, street or highway. Storage, either temporary or permanent, between such fence or wall and any property line is expressly prohibited. Junk or salvage materials shall not form part of the fence, be piled higher than the height of the fence, nor be placed against the fence.
   (c)   For fire protection, an unobstructed firebreak eight (8) feet in width shall be maintained around the entire salvage yard.
   (d)   The storage of rags, paper and similar combustible waste shall not be closer than 100 feet to any property line, unless enclosed in a masonry building of not less than four-hour fire resistive construction.