A zero lot line dwelling or townhouse shall be subject to the following specific requirements:
   (a)   Where an abutting lot has been developed with a principal building having a setback of more than zero (0) feet but less than 10 feet from the side lot line in common, the zero lot line dwelling shall be located so there is a minimum of 10 feet to the adjacent principal building. An easement from the abutting lot owner shall be secured prior to the issuance of a building permit to ensure that a zero (0) or ten 10 foot separation is retained.
   (b)   No portion of a wall, roof, or appurtenance along the zero side yard shall project over the lot line. Openings in the wall shall be prohibited.
   (c)   Legal provision shall be made for permanent access for the maintenance of the exterior portion of the proposed building wall located upon the lot line and for other common elements such as driveways. A permanent 10 foot maintenance easement to provide such access shall be secured prior to issuance of a building permit.
   (d)   Each end unit of a townhouse shall have one (1) side yard of a minimum of ten 10 feet.
   (e)   Each dwelling unit shall be provided with a separate building access and with separate utility service from the street.