1135.04 CLUBS.
   A club shall be subject to the following specific requirements:
   (a)   Information that specifies whether it is nonprofit or for profit, its purpose and activities, number of members, and its officers shall be submitted and included with the zoning certificate for the club.
   (b)   Use of the facilities shall be limited to the members and their guests.
   (d)   A listing of anticipated peak times and activities and anticipated expansion of the facilities shall be submitted.
   (e)   All structures and facilities shall comply with the following dimensional requirements:
      (1)   Minimum lot area: 30,000 square feet
      (2)   Minimum yards:
         A.   Front yard--100 feet
         B.   Side yard--30 feet
         C.   Rear yard--50 feet
   (f)   Clubs requiring more than 20 parking spaces shall be located on and have its only access to a street with a minimum pavement width of 40 feet.
   (g)   Parking facilities shall not be located closer than 20 feet from a side or rear lot line where abutting an R district and shall be screened from view of the abutting R district by meeting the requirements of Subsection 1161.02(h).
   (h)   The following requirements shall be applicable to specific uses in association with a club.
      (1)   Driving range. In R districts, outdoor lighting shall not be installed for its use during nighttime hours.
      (2)   Swimming pools.
         A.   An outdoor pool shall be enclosed by a six (6) foot high fence or wall to prevent uncontrolled access.
         B.   A pool shall be subject to the yard requirements of this section.
         C.   A pool located within an R district or within 100 feet of a lot in an R district shall be screened from view according to the requirements of Subsection 1161.02(h).