An accessory apartment within an owner-occupied, single family dwelling shall be subject to the following specific requirements:
(a) The accessory apartment shall consist of a separate dwelling unit from the single-family dwelling.
(b) Not more than one accessory apartment may be established within a single-family dwelling.
(c) The owner of the dwelling within which an accessory apartment is located must occupy at least one of the dwelling units as the owner's permanent residence.
(d) The accessory apartment and the principal dwelling shall be under the same ownership.
(e) The dwelling within which the accessory apartment is contained shall have the appearance of a single-family dwelling. An entrance for the accessory apartment shall not face a street, unless the entrance existed as a utility entrance to the original dwelling prior to the establishment of the accessory apartment.
(f) No addition to the single-family dwelling for an accessory apartment shall increase the original floor area of the dwelling by more than 10 percent.
(g) One off-street parking space shall be provided for the accessory apartment. This space shall be in addition to the existing required off-street parking spaces for the single-family dwelling.
(h) The accessory apartment shall not contain more than 30 percent of the dwelling's total floor area, be larger than 800 square feet, nor have more than two (2) bedrooms. However, the minimum floor area shall conform to the requirements of the OBOA One, Two & Three Family Dwelling Code, as specified in Chapter 1303 of Part 13--Building Code of the Codified Ordinances of Springfield.
(i) The right to have an accessory apartment shall cease upon transfer of title to the property, and the right to maintain an accessory apartment in no way authorizes establishment of the dwelling as a duplex.
(j) A notarized affidavit from the owner verifying that he is the legal resident of one of the dwelling units on the premises and that one of the occupants in the other dwelling unit is elderly or handicapped shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of an accessory apartment zoning certificate. Furthermore, the owner shall, as a requirement of continuance of the accessory apartment, submit a notarized affidavit by January 31 each year, certifying compliance with this requirement.
(k) The effective period of the permit shall be for three (3) years. At the end of every three (3) year period, renewal of the accessory apartment zoning certificate shall be granted only after completion of a routine housing inspection verifying that the property remains the principal residence of the owner and that all of the conditions of this code have been met.