All UCOD Urban Commercial Overly District new construction shall meet the following criteria:
   (a)   Maximum Setback. The distance between the principal building or structure and the public street right-of-way line shall not exceed ten (10) feet. Buildings on street corners shall comply with this maximum setback for both frontages.
   (b)   Building Standards.
      (1)   Building facades facing public streets shall incorporate a main entrance door on the primary street.
      (2)   For commercially-used property, at least sixty (60) percent of each building façade facing public streets, between the height of two (2) feet and nine (9) feet above the sidewalk grade, shall be window glass.
      (3)   Building façades shall be a minimum of two (2) stories [twenty (20) feet] in height. If the building does not actually have at least two (2) stories, then it shall have appropriate architectural detail to appear to have a second story.
      (4)   Structures more than fifty (50) feet wide shall incorporate vertical elements into their façade design.