A lot or building may be occupied by the following conditional uses:
   (a)   Cementitious concrete batch/mix plant.
   (b)   Heliport and helistop.
   (c)   Public utility or public use.
   (d)   School, specialized private instruction.
   (e)    Solid waste transfer station (except a rock or aggregate crushing or recycling plant), provided the operation is totally enclosed within a building.
(Ord. 06-375. Passed 10-17-06.)
   (f)   Sexually oriented business, provided it shall not be located within 500 feet of an R district, public park, religious institutions, or school nor within 100 feet from a bar, cocktail lounge or tavern or another sexually oriented business. No alcoholic beverage shall be served on the premises.
(Ord. 19-85. Passed 3-26-19.)
   (g)   Automobile-oriented use.
      (Ord. 06-375. Passed 10-17-06.)